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For many years, the practice of natural healing through energy and intention had been calling to me.  In 2000, I found the healing of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) for my food allergies and knew something like this was in my future.   But NAET was not available to those without a medical degree, so I waited. 
In 2007, my sister shared her experience with me of a new energy therapy called BodyTalk that her friend was practicing.   BodyTalk is open to all people, regardless of prior training.  You can learn the basic Access techniques to help family and friends; or get advanced training and become a practitioner.  I took the Access class in June of 2008 and additional classes over the next 18 months.  I passed the written and practical tests and received my BodyTalk Practitioner certification in January 2010 and opened my practice in July of 2010.
The universe provides and I did get to share NAET with my clients.  A version of NAET has been incorporated into BodyTalk.  The same energy vials that helped my body to accept foods, are now a part of my practice.  
With a 30 year background in IT, the BodyTalk technique fell right in line with my computer programming training.  The exploring process to uncover the areas needing better communication is similar to ‘troubleshooting’ and solving ‘helpdesk’ issues.  The formulas the body's wisdom composes are like an update to the body's program.
I love to practice BodyTalk and see the changes it brings about in the lives of my clients.   I have several extended families that enjoy the benefits of energy medicine and what it can do for not only health issues, but relationships.
Recently, I have added water structuring products from Crystal Blue Enterprises that support our body's functions.   The water tastes amazing.  
Check them out!






In the BodyTalk System, we tend not to talk about addressing specific diseases. 
Naturally, most clients arrive for a session with a health concern, and this problem is addressed. However, the BodyTalk Practitioner does not make a diagnosis for the purpose of establishing a specific session protocol. BodyTalk recognizes that although two people may appear to show the exact same symptoms, the communication links needed to balance their conditions may be entirely different. No two sessions are ever alike!




During a BodyTalk session, you will be fully clothed and lying on a massage table or setting in a chair. Sessions normally last from 30 to 45 minutes.  The remaining part of the hour will discussion before and after the session.


The BodyTalk Practitioner relies on the guidance of the body's natural wisdom to not only locate the weakened or broken lines of communication and establish how to re-connect them, but also to find the proper order in which they are to be restored. This is accomplished through a form of neuromuscular biofeedback, by which the practitioner is able to ask the body yes-or-no questions and receive answers directly from the body about the sequence for re-establishing these lines of communication.

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