BodyTalk session
Tailored Just For You
BodyTalk sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are done with the client fully clothed; there is no need for disrobing. A BodyTalk session usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. The length of a session is not indicative of the quality of the session or the results that occur; as even the simplest sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session, and will therefore indicate when the session is complete and may even establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session.
Background and Communication
You and your BodyTalk Practitioner often begin your session by discussing your health status and whatever other personal issues you may wish to address. Then, you will either relax in a chair or on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use your arm in such a manner to establish Yes/No communication. This Yes/No communication is also called neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur.
The BodyTalk System protocol chart is a flowchart that represents a map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the chart addresses certain aspects of the bodymind, including all physical, mental, emotional and energetic frequencies found in the body. ​
This chart and the procedures are to represent the informational side of the BodyTalk process. The experienced Practitioner then uses their intuitive process to complete the communication formulas which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
More information and research is available at our BodyTalk international website.
Allergies and Intolerances
Allergies are categorized here as the body's immediate reactions to one or more substances. The reactions involve symptoms such as hives, rashes, diarrhea, sneezing, itching, or nausea. Allergies are caused by a complex mixture of chemical imbalances, emotional, holdings, belief systems, environmental disturbances, and genetic weaknesses.
Intolerances, often food-related, are categorized here as a slower, more insidious reaction that the body has to one or more substances. The reactions may not start to occur for a few days after contact with the substance, making it more difficult for the person to realize it is harmful to the body. Examples of symptoms are arthritic joints, digestive disorders, autoimmune disorders, headaches, skin disorders, and cronic fatigue.