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Relax & Rejuvenate with LED Light Therapy


"We are human photocells whose ultimate biological nutrient is light.”
-Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M


The LED therapy system is a photo-modulated (pulsed, light emitting diodes) device also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT). The infrared and visible red LEDs are the heart of the therapy system, providing gentle but powerful non-coherent light. Our system uses a carefully timed sequence of settings, known as pulses, to create an environment in which change may occur more rapidly.


NASA studies demonstrate cells exposed to LED light therapy exhibit a 150% increase in cellular metabolism suggesting enhanced cellular repair and vitality.  Medical researchers across the globe are currently investigating a wide array of physiologic benefits produced by LED light therapy.


LED polychromatic light therapy involves the use of light emitting diodes (LED) delivering red, blue, and infrared light to the skin.  These three (3) wavelengths stimulate beneficial innate cellular responses increasing circulation and activating the release of nitric oxide.   Nitric oxide is a naturally occuring pain killer in our bodies.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Setting B on the Élan system baths your cells in light, frequency and sound attuned to the Solfeggio frequencies


Solfeggio Frequencies

UT      396 Hz – turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear

RE      417 Hz – undoing situations & facilitating change

MI       528 Hz – transformation & miracles, repairing DNA

FA      639 Hz – relationship, connecting with spiritual family

SOL    741 Hz – expression/solutions, cleaning & solving

LA       852 Hz – returning to spiritual order


The Schumann Wave Frequency - The Schumann Resonance is an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) wave that exists naturally in the space that exists between the Earth's surface and its Ionosphere. These frequencies are associated with being grounded and present, and can neutralize the negative effects of harmful electromagnetic pollution from all of our technology devices. It is helpful in achieving a relaxed, meditative condition, the alpha condition, where the calm waves of 8-12 Hz dominate and the restless thoughts of the normal beta condition stop.

Sine Waves, Standing Waves, Zero Point - Zero-point field energy is limitless. To the spiritual community, this means "zero-point" is a state of perfect resonance that contains all of the frequencies of all that is and ever was, which equates to the simultaneous presence and absence of all possibilities. The zero-point field is the scientific basis of oneness. It brings us to stillness, calm, neutrality. It is the point of silence before manifestation. A greater connection to our Higher Selves.


Nikola Tesla, the great genius and father of electromagnetic engineering, had once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe”. The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.

Returning tissues to their natural resonance

Setting A on the Élan system synchronizes your cells with light, frequency and sound attuned to the Nogier frequencies


The Seven Nogier Frequencies

73 Hz - Emotional Reactions: Resonates with the subcorticalor lower regions of the brain. including the thalamus and hypothalamus—two major control centers for body functions. 


146 Hz - Intellectual Organization: Used for memory, psychological disorders, nervousness and worry. Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain—involved with thinking, imagining and creating. Veterinary experience: Reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments, reduces edema and improves gums. 


292 Hz Cellular Vitality: Resonates with the Ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms skin, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, teeth, brain and spinal cord. Assists wound healing, skin and nerve repair, and reduces scar tissue, inflammation and tumors. 


584 Hz Nutritional Metabolism: Resonates with Endoderm (innermost tissue) that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, the lungs, the bladder, the urethra, and the auditory tube. It also forms the thyroid, thymus, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Improves nutritional assimilation, allergy problems and balances the parasympathetic nervous system. Used for circulatory problems, edema, and lymph problems.


1,168 Hz Movement: Resonates with Mesoderm (middle tissue) that forms connective tissue such as ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle, and bone. It also forms the heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen, and the cortex of the adrenal gland. Used for muscle, skeletal and myofascial pain.


2,336 Hz Coordination: Helps to balance the two sides of the brain. May also help reduce and handle stress.


4,672 Hz Nerves: Used for spinal and skin disorders and for pain control. Resonates with the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. 



Anti-aging and Rejuvenation

Setting C on the Élan system combines frequencies from Solfeggio and Nogier that are most beneficial to bringing youthfulness back to your cells.


  • Improve skin tone, texture and elasticity

  • Diminish the appearance of fine line and wrinkles

  • Reduce the appearance of dark spots and skim imperfections



DISCLAIMER : This light system is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent disease. If you have a disease or medical condition, consult with your physician or health practitioner before using light therapy equipment. Use only as directed. This device is FDA exempt. REV 4.9.13

Call to schedule an appointment 


Enlightening Your Health is located in:

Crawfordsville, IN  47933

Call for directions to my home office

or distance sessions available over

the phone.

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